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25 Feb

There are a number of things in my life that I’m trying really hard not to think too much about. 

1) the fact that I need to find time to get my car checked out.  the check engine light has been on for a while, and I’ve been bad, bad, bad about trying to get it fixed.  Mostly because I’m worried about the cost of any repairs that may need to take place.  But! Since it’s on my blog now, maybe this will be one of the things I do this weekend.  (Speaking of this weekend, weather reports are saying it’ll be cold enough to snow here, in the Bay Area.  I love the carefully chosen language “cold enough to snow” versus the weather reports on the east coast that issue flat-out warnings.  Anyways, here’s hoping we get a few snowflakes here! )

2) the fact that b-school results will be rolling out soon Continue reading